“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
Acts 2:1-2
The Pentecost experience was a one-time event for Jesus’s disciples, which changed everything about their life, ministry and family. It was the day the Holy Spirit, who is the father’s promise, came on the earth. But for you, the Pentecost experience must be an everyday event if we want to remain on fire for God in these last days. We are in a dispensation in time that makes it look impossible to be on fire for God or please Him.
There are lots of distractions all around us, stealing away our most precious time. We have become the busiest generation so far. Nowadays, people rarely create time for God anymore. Yet, God still has some men who will never bow to Baal nor allow the sodomy of these days to quench their fire.
Oh yes, there are some remnants of believers who still uphold the tenet of gathering together to pray. This kind engages in personal retreat and waits on God for the next move of their life, which all were the total of what brought about the Pentecost experience. You need to withdraw from the world and have time to engage heaven like the day of Pentecost.
1. Father Lord, may I not waste away my time while I ought to wait on you.
2. Father Lord, help me to recreate this Pentecost experience daily.
3. Father Lord, set me on fire and let me burn for you even till old age.