Day 9 – Kingdom Orientation

by Jan 23, 202130 Days of Fresh Fire, Thy Kingdom Come0 comments

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:29

When someone relocates to a new country with a new culture, there is always the need for that person to go through some orientation in order to understand the culture he is dealing with and consequently adjust into the new environment and culture. The same is the case with kingdom of God.

God’s kingdom has an education/orientation programme through which kingdom citizens are transformed into the image of Jesus whose life is the embodiment of the culture of the kingdom. The educational system of the kingdom of God is called discipleship. It is what Jesus was talking about in today’s text when he said, ‘Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me’.

In the preceding verse (verse 28), Jesus was inviting those who labour and are heavy leaden to come and receive rest. The next verse (which is our text today) shows that Jesus does not just stop at welcoming people into His kingdom. He goes further to give another invitation for the people who have come to Him to become His students. That studentship or discipleship enables us to maximise the rest that we have received, thereby finding rest for our souls.

Discipleship is a lifelong orientation programme in the kingdom of God. If we want to be profitable citizens in the kingdom of God, we must commit to it.

PRAYER: Help me Lord to go through kingdom orientation so that I can find rest for my soul. In Jesus name, amen.

VERY IMPORTANT: Part of the yoke the believer like you must carry is the yoke of winning and discipling souls for the kingdom of God through the local church.


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