“The sinners in Zion are afraid; Fearfulness has seized the hypocrites: “Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?”
Isaiah 33:14
Today, I will be showing you something significant about yourself in God’s word. According to today’s Bible text, how would you expect sinners to dwell in Zion- the city of God? Yet, the Bible talked about it. Zion is where God dwells.
You can liken the gathering of believers to be Zion. However, the Bible clearly shows to us that even in Zion, there are a set of pretenders, hypocrites and self-righteous individuals who claim to know God but are perpetual sinners. God’s righteous indignation burns out on these kinds of people.
Consequently, God’s fire is both to love and to purify. But, you must also understand that this fire consumes and devours. The devouring fire of God expresses the divine nature of God, His holiness and the judgement of God against any form of evil. This is why no unholy vessel can thrive before a righteous God.
The devouring fire of God will purge you of any form of unrighteousness because a righteous God desires a righteous companion.
1. Father Lord, let your devouring fire consume every evil targeted at my life.
2. Father Lord, refine and purify me with your fire.
3. Lord Jesus, I pray that I will never walk in hypocrisy and self-righteousness.