1. I rebuke every spirit of unfruitfulness in my life, and I declare that I will be fruitful and multiply. (Genesis 1:28)
2. I decree that every barren area of my life will produce a great harvest, in the name of Jesus. (John 15:5)
3. I declare that I am like a tree planted by the waters, and I will bring forth fruit in every season. (Jeremiah 17:8)
4. I rebuke every attack on my fruitfulness, and I declare that I will bear much fruit. (John 15:16)
5. I decree that my spiritual, financial, and physical life will be fruitful and abundant. (Psalm 128:3)
6. I declare that no weapon formed against my fruitfulness shall prosper, and I will see the goodness of the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17)
7. I decree that I am fruitful in my business, career, and relationships, and I will experience divine multiplication. (Deuteronomy 28:4)
8. I declare that the fruit of my labor will be blessed, and I will see the rewards of my hard work. (Proverbs 12:14)
9. I rebuke every curse of barrenness, and I declare that I will be fruitful in all I do. (Exodus 23:26)
10. I decree that the blessing of fruitfulness is upon me, and I will prosper in every area of my life. (Psalm 1:3)