Over the last few years, this ministry has impacted thousands of people with the gospel of Jesus Christ in eleven nations of the world. The vision of this dynamic ministry has expanded in blessing many people through books, CD’s and cassette tapes. Our local church (Restoration Chapel International) is also providing Total Restoration for broken homes, broken families, and broken lives.
God is now leading us into a mega book publishing revolution, to publish books and to make it easy for people in underprivileged countries to buy. Radio, television, and internet broadcast into all the nations of the world is our vision to reach out to millions.
God spoke to me to raise 50,000 faith-filled partners around the world to partner with Osborn Nanjo Ministries in this dynamic commission. Every heaven-sent vision receives covenant partners for maximum impact. Covenant partnership is designed by God to increase the ability, resources, and the rewards of those involved. Covenant partnership is such that every life that will be touched through this ministry, God will reward and increase you as a partner on every side.
I am therefore calling upon you to become a Covenant Partner of Osborn Nanjo Ministries by joining the Global 50,000 Partners today. Your donation will help us:
- Send free and subsidized books to nations in the 10/40 window.
- Reach millions through Total Restoration telecast.
- Reach millions through Fresh Bread radio broadcast.
- Send out our quarterly newsletter—Manna from Heaven.
- Support our Healing and Revival Outreaches around the world.
I encourage you to consider becoming a Covenant Partner by joining the Global 50,000 Partners, so we can herald Total Restoration and Revival to all nations. We look forward to entering into a covenant relationship with you. Click here for more details